Summer Free For All 2017

July 16, 2017 0

With more than 10,000 acres of public parks here in Portland, whether you live year year round or are visiting from far away, you are most likely are near […]

Design Week Portland

April 10, 2017 0

I am by no means a design guru or ninja but I love standing in the midst of giants if only to find out what font I should be […]

Free Friday Downloads at Fred Meyer

February 8, 2017 0

Dollars to donuts Fred Meyer might not be billed as the friendliest store on earth but they certainly are the peoples’ grocery store. A few months ago they rolled […]

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2017 0

…and 1 year anniversary of this site. Thank you for visiting, I hope you find something fun and free to do. I started this site a year ago because […]

My Free Lead Testing Kit Arrived

December 4, 2016 0

I live in a very old building, one that will surely crumble when the big Cascadia Earthquake hits. But before I prep with a years worth of camping supplies […]

July & August 2016 Free Events

July 14, 2016 0

Music to my ears! Basically, lots of free concerts happening all over Portland. The Cathedral Park Jazz Festival hits St. John’s this weekend (July 15-17) and the much anticipated […]


January 2, 2016 0

…to my pet project: I’ve wanted to compile a free events website for Portland, Oregon for quite some time. I’ve lived in this city all my life, in […]