Free Friday Downloads at Fred Meyer

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Dollars to donuts Fred Meyer might not be billed as the friendliest store on earth but they certainly are the peoples’ grocery store. A few months ago they rolled out a new program, every Friday shoppers with a Fred Meyer Rewards Card can login online and automatically add a coupon for a free item. The coupon is only live for 24 hours but…

Your free item can be picked up anytime during the week. The coupon is applied during check out. Each Free Friday Download is active for 2 weeks. So far I have gotten a free bag of organic white cheddar popcorn, refried beans and a can of a new flavor of deluxe Campbell’s soup.

If you don’t already have a Fred Meyer Rewards Card you are missing out on their online portal which can be a great resource for doubling down on manufacturers coupons. Not to mention fuel points that can be redeemed at Shell Stations, valued customer coupons and rewards rebates that come in the mail.

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